Living Space Germany

Just a glance at the inside and outside of my new place in Gießen, Germany!

The Truth About Germany: Multiculturalism

In this week"s episode, our roving reporter Michael Wigge dispels notions about the stereotypical German by looking at the more than 15 million pe...

Life in Germany: Part One

Hola Mis Bonitas Y Guapos! Part one in my series of Living in Germany. This will touch a few bases of proper etiquette (including me trying to saw a ...

Euromaxx | The Truth About Germany: Love Thy Neighbor

Each week euromaxx"s roving reporter Michael Wigge sets out to explore a different stereotype about Germany and the Germans. It"s a densely po...

University Hannover (2002) - Part 1

University Hannover (2002) - Part 1 Hey, this is my university in Hannover, Germany (Deutschland). I"m so proud of it, because it is one of the bi...

Student Life: How much does it cost to study in Germany?

Max explains to you how much money you will need in order to live in study comfortably in Germany.

Female exodus angers East German men

The former East Germany is being drained of young educated women, who are choosing instead to head west in search of a better life. According to a Ber...

A Walk Through Oktoberfest, Munich, Germany

Our wanderers have friends join them for the Oktoberfest. Sunday night, September 30, was still crazy. Here is a walk-through of the largest tent clos...

Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany

Shane-O guides us through Munich"s biggest party - Oktoberfest.

Study in Freiburg, Germany with IES Abroad!

Video created by Kallie Walker, IES Abroad Freiburg Student, Academic Year 2008-2009. IES Abroad offers three programs in Freiburg, Germany: Language...

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