Leveraging Scala"s Typesystem for Better Code

Scala"s type system is extremely powerful (actually, it"s Turing complete). By understanding the tight interplay between implicit conversions ...

Scala for Java programmers - Joakim Ohlrogge & Enno Runne

http://vimeo.com/10947024 This seminar is based on Joakim"s experiences from moving from Java to Scala http://www.scala-lang.org/old/node/960#Joa...

Busy Java Developer"s Guide to Scala Thinking

If you"re a Java developer and you want to get into Scala you first have to address how to start "thinking in Scala". In this presentation from J...

From Java to Scala: A Case Study

Watch with full slide deck on Parleys: http://www.parleys.com/play/5207aa1fe4b0f42506c2a3ea/chapter0/about While the Java platform has gained notorie...

Purely functional data structures in Scala ? Meeting #4

??????????? ? ????????? ??????? Novosibirsk Scala Enthusiasts http://www.meetup.com/ScalaNsk/events/138545472/ ???? ????? ?? ???????? ? ??????? ??? "...

Best Marriage Proposal EVER!!!!!

I have known my fiance Tracey for over 14 years and wanted to propose to her in a very unique way. Tracey thought we were just going to the movies on ...

Programming is terrible?Lessons learned from a life wasted. EMF2012

http://programmingisterrible.com/ A bad programmer talks about bad programming. Slides (PDF) ? https://github.com/tef/emfcamp2012/raw/master/program...

Code for Europe: The fellows" challenges

A video with short interviews of the Code for Europe (link: http://codeforeurope.net/) fellows, taken during a training that took place in Berlin on M...

Linear Programming Tutorial

This tutorial describes an optimization technique called linear programming and demonstrates its application in two examples.

Til Schweigers Ausraster bei Markus Lanz

Til Schweigers Ausraster bei Markus Lanz Lautstarker Applaus aus dem Publikum. Und Schweiger legte nach: ?Das ist dieses deutsche Gutmenschentum, das ...

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