Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany

Shane-O guides us through Munich"s biggest party - Oktoberfest.

A Walk Through Oktoberfest, Munich, Germany

Our wanderers have friends join them for the Oktoberfest. Sunday night, September 30, was still crazy. Here is a walk-through of the largest tent clos...

Oktoberfest in Munchen, Germany

euronews.net Oktoberfest in Germany, Now in its 176th year some six million people are expected to show up for the 16 day festival and consume almost ...


Oktoberfest is the biggest beer festival in the world. It"s is THE SH#T! This year was the 200th anniversary of the festival. SKYY"S LINKS...

Ruthe.de - Nachrichten - "Hölle"

Frederik Schrader und Tjorben Eckermann berichten informativ und investigativ, diesmal aus der Hölle. Idee, Zeichnungen und Stimmen: Ralph Ruthe (h...

Thomas Freitag als Promi-Imitator / Freitag´s Abend 1991

- WDR-Produktion / ARD - TF als Gerhard Stoltenberg, Norbert Blüm, Boris Becker, Rudi Carrell, Heinz Schenk, Helmut Schmidt, Franz-Josef Strauß, Ad...

Birramaniaci all"Oktoberfest 2007!!!

Anche nel 2008 i birramaniaci sono pronti a partire per l"Oktoberfest!

Your Dad Asks iPhone Questions: SuperNews!

Darren"s dad just doesn"t understand technology. Watch more SuperNews! http://www.current.com/supernews http://www.facebook.com/SuperNews VIE...

Munich-München, capital of Bavaria, Germany

An overview of the main city of the Bayern area : Munich. The song you can hear with the pictures is called " Eisbär " and is sung by Marina Celes...

Mac Vs PC - Parody

Here is a little parody of the "Get A Mac" campaign I threw together. Both computers are good for somethings and both computers suck for other things...

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