Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany

Shane-O guides us through Munich"s biggest party - Oktoberfest.

A Walk Through Oktoberfest, Munich, Germany

Our wanderers have friends join them for the Oktoberfest. Sunday night, September 30, was still crazy. Here is a walk-through of the largest tent clos...

Hitler"s Oktoberfest Downfall

Hitler experiences his downfall when Oktoberfest doesn"t go his way.

Systematischer Irrsinn - Zocken bis der Staat hilft - Die wahren Ursachen der Finanzkrise

Finanzkrisen sind größere Verwerfungen im Finanzsystem, die durch einen Rückgang der Vermögenswerte und die Zahlungsunfähigkeit zahlreicher Unter...

Oktoberfest in Munchen, Germany

euronews.net Oktoberfest in Germany, Now in its 176th year some six million people are expected to show up for the 16 day festival and consume almost ...

Hände hoch, du Geldautomat!

Umzug Fasent 2007, Bilbo und seine Bande treiben ihr Unwesen...


Kartoffel-Zahnstocher-Brückenbauprojekt ARUBI-Erstitag 16.10.2008 WS 08/09

Australia Travel Video

For more great information, photos and video about Australia, see PleaseTakeMeTo"s Australia Travel Guide - http://www.pleasetakemeto.com/australi...

China Präsi EUFH 2008

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Oktoberfest is the biggest beer festival in the world. It"s is THE SH#T! This year was the 200th anniversary of the festival. SKYY"S LINKS...

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