Darth Vader vs Barbie

Who will win in this epic clash of the titans

Darth Vader erzählt einen Witz!

Darth Vader der alte Witzbold erzählt einen Witz.

Der Imperator kütt - Star Wars op Kölsch

Darth Vader spricht auf kölsch. Einfach genial

Darth Vader Attack in LT8!!!

During NUS SSA1201 lecture on the 30th October, 1400 to 1600, Darth Vader came with DEATH!! But thank goodness Jedi came to help! =D Our lecturer, Al...

Spiderman vs Ninja Lecture prank

An evil ninja unveils his wrath upon a psychology lecture but is foiled by the efforts of your friendly neighbourhood spider-man

Head in the toilet prank - Just For Laughs

http://www.hahaha.com Imagine going to the toilet and having a head pop out of the loo! A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. JFL, the funny hi...


wow einfach nur wow

star wars uff pälzisch remix

star wars pälzisch remix

AT-AT for sale at used car lot

One boring morning I went to a local used car shop and spotted an AT-AT for sale. Unfortunately it didnt come with a stereo so I rejected the salesman...

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