Darth Vader vs Barbie

Who will win in this epic clash of the titans


Darth Vader unexpectedly invades an otherwise boring lecture in McPherson Lab at The Ohio State University.

Der Imperator kütt - Star Wars op Kölsch

Darth Vader spricht auf kölsch. Einfach genial

Darth Vader Attack in LT8!!!

During NUS SSA1201 lecture on the 30th October, 1400 to 1600, Darth Vader came with DEATH!! But thank goodness Jedi came to help! =D Our lecturer, Al...

Spooky photo proves life on Mars? Latest News

A new picture beamed back from a rover on Mars causes a frenzy of speculation.

star wars uff pälzisch remix

star wars pälzisch remix

Star Wars The Force Unleashed - Hoth Mission Pack Guide

Jack and Geoff cut open some wampas and get cozy for this guide of the new DLC for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Journey in to Hoth with us, won&qu...

Der beste Witz der Welt !!!

Ihr meint Ihr kennt bessere Witze- dann schickt ein Video jeder der es besser kann bekommt 100 Euro.


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