Topical comedy show in which Russell Howard offers up an energetic look at global goings-on and finds his own uniquely upbeat angle on the news each w...
Topical comedy show in which Russell Howard offers up his unique perspective on the news stories that have dominated the media over the past seven day...
Darryl gets help from the Craigslist Genie and Casual Encounters, when he finds himself alone on a Friday night. Watch more SuperNews! http://www.cur...
Douchey-Doo and the gang are back in action, poolside, as they try to impress some douchettes. VIEW more SuperNews! clips & SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube ...
Two of history"s greatest philosophical minds debate the age-old question: who is hot and who is not? Watch more SuperNews!
Do you want to know how to find the most valuable social media content? Are you looking for great articles and videos to share with your friends and f...
Will Craig delete his MySpace account or remain haunted by the ghosts of profiles past? Watch more SuperNews! http:/...