Bill Gates Praising Apple Computers

BILL GATES - Computer Standard in 1984 - The MACINTOSH? WTF?????? Video Bill Gates- when promoting Apple, writing software for APPLE COMPUTER about 1...

Apple Computer Ad - Mac & Windows 95

An early Macintosh ad showing a Mac running Mac OS and Windows 95

Gates vs Jobs. The Game!

This game is where you can fight either Bill Gates (Chairman of Microsoft) or Steve Jobs (Co-Founder & CEO of Apple) Game URL: http://www.newgrounds....

Bill Gates says "Vista Sucks"

Bill Gates says "Vista Sucks" at CES. Interview by Gizmodo (

Can your PC do this?

Song: Everytime (East 17th street mix) Track One Recordings Download this song: Do you...

Meine Top 20 Horrorfilme

Filme : 1.Nightmare - Mörderische Träume FSK 16 1984 Mit : Heather Langenkamp , Johnny Depp , Robert Englund 2.Friedhof der Kuscheltiere FSK 18 1...

Hände hoch, du Geldautomat!

Umzug Fasent 2007, Bilbo und seine Bande treiben ihr Unwesen...

The iPad: What Apple doesn"t want u to know.

Twitter: Watch me Live:

Uni Münster Germanistik/Jura

Ein Beitrag der WDR Lokalzeit Münsterland vom 03.01.2007

Mr. Taliban

A still image music video of a song i heard the other day online. Osama Bin Laden has been killed and yet the war isn"t over we still have the b...

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