Supply Chain Master: Prof. Hau Lee

Professor Hau Lee talks about his research in supply chain management and how the Bullwhip Effect influences distribution chains. Lee describes indust...

Interview on book "Power: Why Some People Have It And Others Don"t"

Stanford Business School Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer discusses his new book "Power: Why Some People Have It And Others Don"t". Pfeffer, an internat...

A New Model for Graduate School

The TUM Graduate School is integrating elements of two traditional models for doctoral education to create what Dean Ernst Rank calls "a third way" to...

THM Business School - Master in International Marketing

Image Video des Master-Studiengangs International Marketing an der Technischen Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM).

Accounting For Goodwill Impairment In A Business Acquisition

Goodwill impairment testing for goodwill established in a business acquisition, test to see if parent company paid a reasonable price for acquiring th...

Studying at Oxford University

Oxford University is the oldest university in the English speaking world and has been educating world changing leaders for over 800 years. Find out...

Your Mom Asks TIVO Questions: SuperNews!

Darren helps his mom work the TIVO so she can record Jeff Goldblum films. But when Mom ends up in a bizarre love triangle, it might be too much for D...

CS147 2008: Intro to Human-Computer Interaction Design

Students learn the fundamental concepts of human-computer interaction and user-centered design thinking.


HI, ICH BIN DIE INFOBOX! LIES MICH UND ERSPAR DIR VIEL SCHREIBARBEIT ? DANKE, dass Ihr immer soviele Kommentare schreibt und mich so unterstützt :**...

U.S. Sec. of Education Arne Duncan Speaks at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

On February 26, 2010, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan spoke at the Harvard Graduate School of Education"s Askwith Forum.

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